Sponsor Logo Monitoring Software

Automatic Brand & Logo Recognition Solution

Automatically monitor logo appearance in videos of sponsored events with BrandMon

BrandMon was developed based on requirements defined by major clients who have been in the sports sponsorship business for years. The software is designed to minimize manual tasks efforts by automating the recognition and annotation processes. BrandMon combines ease of use with world class automated logo recognition solution based on AI.

Semi-automatic recognition of the logo placement and its prominence makes it possible to calculate the media equivalent value of each individual placement and thus a comparable media pressure value to traditional TV advertising. BrandMon's annotated data helps sponsors understand the return on their sponsorship investment and media rights holders determine the value of their media events to sponsors.
BrandMon Logo recognition results

Detected logos are highlighted 

In each video sequence, BrandMon marks the recognized logos to be searched for. After initial annotating of a placement by an operator the software recognizes the placement in subsequent sequences automatically.

BrandMon Brand Monitoring

Feature Overview

  • AI based automated recognition of monitored logos in videos
  • learning logo and logo placement recognition algorithm
  • intuitive user interfaces
  • works with videos of any kind of sporting events or other sponsored events
  • output contains key metrics that show media outcome of sponsoring investment:
  • visiblity in seconds
    visibility prominence
    logo placement
    size & position

  • highly customizable to your individual requirements

ivitec GmbH

Lange Reihe 29
20099 Hamburg

+49 6151 60 60 789